How Much Will I Save

Smart Remote Pro will reduce power consumption and maintenance costs

Save Cost

The Difference One Degree Makes………Government and Industry Studies show that each degree saved can lower running costs by 10%! (click for more info)

Although most air conditioners will operate between 16° and 30°, it is recommended that to maintain comfort and economy, air conditioning is run at a comfortable 23° or 24° for cooling and no higher than 21° – 23° for heating.

Users (especially when they are not paying the power bill) normally run air conditioning at much lower or higher temperatures than this.

This results in higher power consumption (of up to 40%) and increased wear and tear with higher risk of breakdown.

Using a Smart Remote Pro on your air conditioners, preset by you to only allow more sensible minimum and maximum temperatures, will save you power and money immediately.

A Smart Remote Pro not only reduces power costs it saves general wear and tear and reduces maintenance issues as well.

Actual savings will vary depending on your tariff and actual usage but with Smart Remote Pro you are able to guarantee that your air conditioners are running economically at all times.